How to increase potency for a man - reliable ways and means

According to statistics, reducing sexual performance for men is the worst nightmare. Even fears of serious somatic disease are inferior to it. How to increase potency is a topic that worries many, sometimes even for preventive purposes. Traditional and alternative medicine has developed many methods to treat impotence and improve male potency.

What does potency depend on?

Potency includes 2 factors, which can be conditionally characterized as "I want" and "I can". The first means the attraction of women on an emotional level, the presence of the need for a regular sex life. The second is erectile function, whose reduction to zero means impotence. It is this factor, when there is a need and no possibility, that causes serious psychological discomfort in men, leads them to doubt their own usefulness and sometimes leads to long-term depression.

a woman and a man with increased potency

The normal level of "want" and "can" depends on many factors. The change in sexual performance toward reduction can be found in both disease and lifestyle. In addition, there is a special class of causes that cause psychogenic impotence. In this case, the man is not able to get an erection due to the psychological trauma associated with the intimate sphere.

The dependence of potency on general health is very high. Its reduction and subsequent erectile dysfunction are caused by:

  • Decreased testosterone production;
  • Autoimmune viral diseases;
  • Overweight;
  • Pathology in the spinal cord and brain;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Infectious and non-infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Cardiovascular disorders;
  • Genital and pelvic injuries;
  • Long-term drug therapy with serious drugs.

Psychological preconditions that lead to a decrease in sexual performance:

  • Obsessive phobias and fear of failure;
  • High levels of anxiety;
  • Depressed state;
  • Low self-esteem, especially regarding the sexual side of life.

In addition, an inactive lifestyle, addiction to drugs, smoking and alcohol, disturbed biorhythms, chronic lack of sleep and constant exposure to stressors have a direct negative impact on male strength. Prolonged abstinence can also cause sexual dysfunction.

What dietary supplements can increase potency?

Supplements are the drug of choice for the problem of impotence in men because of their relative safety. Capsules, drops and sprays / gels, created on the basis of organic components, do not have a negative impact on the body and do not overload other systems.

They have mostly no contraindications or are minimal, and no side effects have been reported. Such drugs should be purchased on the website of manufacturing companies, otherwise you can get a surrogate that has no beneficial effects.


The drug M-16 is sought after by many men due to the fact that it has a local effect and acts quickly. The spray is sprayed on the penis with 2-3 clicks just before the act of intimacy.

The spray is recommended for use if there are psychogenic causes of erectile dysfunction, with a "dull" orgasm, a decrease in potency levels due to age. The supplement contains the following substances:

  • Guarana extract. Increases interest in women, stimulates sexual activity;
  • Magnesium. It has a positive effect on spermatogenesis, participates in the activation of blood circulation;
  • Zinc. It has a calming effect, relieves emotional blockages that interfere with achieving an erection;
  • L-arginine. Amino acid, useful for normal blood circulation in the genitals, due to which the body cavernoses are normally filled with blood and a permanent erection occurs.

The spray is not recommended in the period of infectious diseases of the reproductive system, in the presence of wounds and cracks on the skin of the phallus, if there is individual intolerance. It is also contraindicated in underage boys and in combination with drug impotence therapy.

Natural drops

Natural drops allow you to deal with sexual dysfunction, weak feelings during orgasm, low quality semen. It is prescribed to athletes to prevent low potency due to increased stress.

The therapeutic course lasts 15 days. It is necessary to drink 15 drops 2 times a day. The effectiveness of herbal medicine lies in its composition:

  • Ginseng root. Natural aphrodisiac, increases the production of male sex hormones;
  • Ginkgo biloba. It has a positive effect on the lumen of blood vessels, which improves the blood filling of cavernous bodies;
  • Greek fenugreek. It supplies the body with plant proteins and a complex of beneficial elements. Tones and increases the endurance necessary for a prolonged intimate act;
  • Peruvian Maca. It activates potency and desire for intimacy, also normalizes the genitourinary system and prevents the development of neoplasms.

The drug has no contraindications and is acceptable for use by all adult men. An exception is intolerance to one or more active ingredients of the supplement.

Natural capsules

Naturopathic capsules are recommended for the treatment of impotence of various origins and solve various problems of the intimate sphere. Admission to the course lasts one month. You should take 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening.

The unique formula of the dietary supplement includes:

  • Extract from young deer antlers. It has a stimulating effect on potency, normalizes hormone levels;
  • Winter father extract. Increases arousal, activates long-lasting erections;
  • Rhodiola pink. Suppresses nervous excitement, which restores the ability to achieve an erection;
  • Field barn. Increases testosterone production, promotes the elimination of toxins from the body;
  • Saffflower leuzea. Improves sperm quality and quantity;
  • Mushroom caddy. Increases the endurance of the male body, reduces the inflammatory process, if any.

The drug should be discarded when:

  • There is a hypersensitivity to the active ingredients;
  • Age less than 18 years;
  • History of chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Cardiovascular disorders have been diagnosed;
  • The man suffers from insomnia.

Cream - wax

Cream-wax is one of the products of the therapeutic line for the treatment of various diseases, including dermatological problems and joint diseases.

Development, aimed at increasing potency, is created in the form of a cream, which must be rubbed into the genital organ twice a day. The main indications are short sexual intercourse, reduced erectile function, age-related changes that reduce potency.

As part of the product:

  • Beeswax and poison. Promotes activation of local metabolism;
  • Propolis. Increases the process of cell regeneration, fights existing inflammations;
  • Wild chestnut extract. Normalizes the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is necessary to achieve an erection;
  • Olive oil. It has a positive effect on the delicate skin of the penis, protects it from damage;
  • Cedar resin. Improves the work of the heart and circulatory system.

The cream is contraindicated for men prone to allergies, minors, as well as for chronic urological pathologies.


In the case of sexual impotence on the background of serious somatic diseases, pharmaceutical preparations will help increase potency at home. With their help it is possible to increase erectile function, deal with impotence, however, not everyone affects the root cause of the disease. It is important to undergo the therapeutic course of the underlying disease at the same time, and it is strictly forbidden to take them without a doctor's prescription !!!

Sildenafil-based products

The most famous pills have been developed for the treatment of impaired potency. They are based on sildenafil, a PDE5 inhibitor. Efficacy to increase erections has been proven over time, however, such drugs cannot be used uncontrolled due to the large list of contraindications and side effects.

You can start the course of treatment only with the approval of a urologist or andrologist. They will also recommend the required dose to suit your current health and individual characteristics. The instructions for use state that it is necessary to take 1 tablet (25, 50 or 100 mg) one hour before sexual intercourse. The effect of the drug lasts about 4 hours.

The drug acts on blood vessels, after the active substances enter the bloodstream, arterial lumens dilate and venous narrows. This ensures normal blood circulation and, as a result, a strong and lasting erection. Sexual stimulation of the penis is needed to achieve results.

Despite efficacy confirmed by physicians and patients, sildenafil-based drugs should not be used in the following cases:

  • Treatment is carried out with nitrate content or activation of nitric oxide release;
  • History of disease incompatible with sexual activity;
  • There is a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Diagnosed ocular pathologies leading to vision loss;
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases in exacerbation;
  • Impaired blood clotting;
  • childhood.

Exceeding the maximum dose (100 mg) leads to:

  • Muscle pain;
  • Skin rash;
  • fatigue;
  • Swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • Heartbeat.

Tadalafil-based products

The drugs were developed to treat erectile dysfunction and are also prescribed as part of the complex treatment of benign formations and urological infections. The drugs belong to a group of drugs that contain selective inhibitors.

The mechanism of action is similar to PDE5 drugs. The use of tablets is allowed only with the encouragement of the attending physician, he also indicates the required doses, depending on the frequency of the need for sex and concomitant diseases.

The drug should be taken 40 minutes before the act of intimacy. Its great popularity lies in the duration of action - in some cases it reaches 12 hours. Under strict medical supervision, treatment with tablets is allowed if:

  • Diseases leading to priapism;
  • Anatomical deformity of the genital organ;
  • Severe liver failure.

Side effects from the body are manifested when the daily dose of the drug is violated:

  • Vision problems;
  • Dizziness, severe headaches, loss of consciousness;
  • Indigestion;
  • Back and muscle pain;
  • sweating;
  • Nasopharyngeal organ injury.

Vardenafil-based products

The daily rate is determined by a urologist or andrologist. The demand for funds is explained by the speed of the beginning of the action. Sometimes the primary signs of an erection are registered within 10 minutes, which is an option when you need to increase the potency quickly. However, doctors still recommend taking the pill no later than half an hour before intimacy. The effect of the drug lasts 8 hours.

Increasing the potency of folk remedies

The current trend of returning to nature and leading a healthy lifestyle is once again increasing interest in alternative medicine. Over the centuries, many recipes have been accumulated, thanks to which you can treat various diseases without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs.

vegetable salad with herbs for potency

It is possible to increase the potency of folk remedies by using infusions and decoctions with herbs, preparing special dishes or using improvised means to create beverages, ointments for external use and compresses.

Walnuts with honey

Nuts are one of the oldest natural pathogens used since antiquity. In combination with honey significantly increases the effect of their use. To prepare a delicious mix yourself, you need to:

  • Take 125 g of walnuts, 30 g of almonds and peanuts and chop;
  • Finely chop 50 g of parsnips;
  • Mix everything and add 300 g of honey;
  • Pour ¾ glasses of fresh aloe juice;
  • Take 1 teaspoon three times a day for a month according to the scheme of 6 days of taking, 1 day break.


The most powerful potency-boosting agent used in ancient China. With the help of ginseng root, testosterone production increases, endurance increases, and the act of intimacy is prolonged. Cooking method:

  • Grate a piece of fresh root weighing 10 g;
  • Place in a glass jar;
  • Pour ½ glasses of vodka;
  • Put in a cool, dark place for 7 days;
  • Drink 3 times a day on a tablespoon, dilute with water.


Vegetables are valuable because of the content of vitamin and androsterone complexes, which increase libido on a subconscious level. With the help of celery, the composition of sperm is normalized, erection is increased. To prepare the medicine at home, you need:

  • Chop 150 g of root and mix with grated apple;
  • Add natural yogurt and honey;
  • Drink a glass daily.


A plant mentioned in Avicenna's treatises. In the East it is called helboy and is actively used as a means of potency. In his writings, Ibn Sina recommended:

  • Take fenugreek and date seeds in equal proportions;
  • Bring to a boil, remove the seeds from the fruit;
  • Dry, grind to a powder and mix with fresh honey;
  • Take 5 g with 15 ml of cognac.


A simple and affordable way to increase male wealth is to use baking soda. To prepare the product you need:

  • Heat ½ cups of milk;
  • Add ½ teaspoons of baking soda;
  • Shake well, achieving homogeneity and dissolution of lumps;
  • Drink once a day.

Effective exercise

In addition to drugs that help increase potency in men in any situation, it is recommended not to neglect special exercises that stimulate sexual function.

potency-boosting exercises

A special set of exercises combined with swimming and running can increase sexual performance and prevent a number of urological diseases. To combat violations in the intimate sphere, it is recommended:

  • Marching step, during which it is necessary to raise the knees high;
  • Squeezing an imaginary ball, which is useful for erectile function;
  • Squats while tensing the muscles of the anus;
  • Hula hoop rotations to increase circulation and prevent congestion;
  • Bridge, lifting hips and buttocks from a lying position.

Kegel exercise (tension and relaxation of the muscles between the anus and scrotum), which stimulates blood flow, is also useful. This can be done at any time.

Additional tips for strong potency

Even strong drugs will not be fully effective if lifestyle is not normalized in combination with drug therapy. For a digestible level of potency, a diet that is chosen taking into account the maximum benefit for men is extremely important.

a happy woman and a man with increased potency

Bitan! Get your sex life back to normal, avoiding prolonged abstinence and subsequent sexual marathons, as well as learning to deal with stress.


A high level of potency will provide a balanced diet that includes:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Lean meat;
  • Nuts;
  • Honey;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Quail and chicken eggs.

It is important that the food is steamed or baked. The basis of choice is the high content of zinc and vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the prevention of sexual impotence.

Adversely affect potency:

  • Excess sugar and salt;
  • Yeast dough products;
  • Soda;
  • Beer and fat milk - contain female hormones;
  • Excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages;
  • caffeine;
  • Fast food, fatty snacks, dried meat.


Such a concept as "lifestyle" is very vague, which includes many aspects. However, if neglected, a reduction in potency is possible even at a young age. needed:

  • Build a work and rest schedule so that the body recovers completely;
  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours, go to bed at about the same time, until 12 o'clock in the evening;
  • Do sports or at least regularly walk around places rich in oxygen;
  • Treat diseases on time, preventing their transition to a chronic asymptomatic form.

Rejecting bad habits

Much has been said about smoking, alcohol and drugs, and sometimes information about their dangers is no longer taken seriously. However, it should be borne in mind that all these factors have a destructive effect on the body's systems, especially on blood vessels and the heart.

It has been proven to be one of the most common factors leading to impotence, heart disease and blockage of the vascular lumen. In this situation, there is a disturbance in the blood supply, which makes an erection impossible for physiological reasons.

Regular sex

Regular sex life is important for a high level of potency for the following reasons:

  • Prolonged abstinence causes atrophy of the muscles of the genital organ;
  • Sperm quality is deteriorating;
  • The man becomes aggressive or irritable, which causes disorders on a psychological level;
  • Testosterone production is reduced (the body feels that a man does not need it and gradually reduces it to the amounts consumed in everyday life).

According to experts, regular sex strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of diseases, has a positive effect on the vascular system, the effect of which directly affects the ability to achieve an erection.

Stress resistance

The negative impact of stress cannot be underestimated. At the psychological level, a person is constantly disturbed by obsessive thoughts, he gets tired quickly. From the point of view of physiology, the influence of stress reduces the body's resistance, moreover, the development of psychosomatic diseases is possible.

Stress resistance is a quality that manifests itself differently in everyone. When the threshold is low, it is recommended to resort to various methods to increase stress resistance. In advanced cases, it can be a consultation with a psychotherapist, in milder cases - oriental techniques, aromatherapy, the possibility of "switching".

In any case, in order to maintain sexual viability, it is important to find your own way to deal with stress and not let them enslave you.